Editorial Content Licensing

With ExMarketPlace editorial services partners can request any type of content for the web and completely customize it according to partner's technical and quality needs:

  • Articles
  • Product Sheets
  • Featured sites
  • Reviews & opinions
  • Guides
  • Transcripts
  • Video
Our Services include:
1. Plagiarism check

Each content produced is guaranteed as unique and original as it is subjected to anti-plagiarism control in several moments:

2. Customization of the content structure

You will be the one to define which and how many parts your content must be composed of, choosing between different options (text field, bulleted list, checkbox, select, etc.) supported by the respective guidelines for compilation.

3. Optimization of costs and resources

We can take care of the contents of your web projects! You will no longer have to devote resources to drafting and preparing texts, you will no longer have the difficulty of finding an expert copywriter in SEO and ... in dental implantology, for example!

We guarantee the possibility to parallelize your works obtaining, in a short time and with low costs, volumes of texts comparable to those which only a large number of highly qualified copywriters could produce.

4. Thousands of registered authors, to cover each topic

To get the content you expect you will only need to provide us with a complete and clear brief, capable of adequately explaining your project.

5. Speed and punctuality of the supply

The high number of active authors allows us to produce numerous contents, on various subjects, in a short time. You can even manage several projects simultaneously!

The authors, once a commission is taken over, have 48 hours to deliver the text. The editorial service, on the other hand, allows you to specify a deadline ranging from 2 hours to 7 days after the time the order is issued.

7. Multilingual service

We are active in six languages, enabling our customers to request content and translations in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Polish. We recently also integrated Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and special languages on request.

All products and additional services are available for all languages.